Transnational Meetings

The Milmet Project’s final meeting has taken place from the 6th to the 8th of February 2024
During the final meeting of the Erasmus+ Milmet Project, partners embarked on a journey to the Etre School of Ecological Transition from Ibos, led by the Eco-Habilis association. Etre trains 16-25 disadvantaged young people, including migrants, in soft skills and manual trades related to ecological transition, including eco-construction.
During the following days , partners had a presentation and a visit at Jardins du Comminges in Huos, followed by a practical workshop on “Herbal infusions”, attended by the partners from France, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Romania and local migrants.

The 5th Transnational Project Meeting took place during the 19th-21st of September 2023, in Tenerife, Spain, being hosted by Precious Plastic.
Notable achievements included fostering new partnerships with green enterprises and migrant organizations, improving language training tools for migrants, and identifying opportunities to expand activities in support of employment and the sustainable sector.

Kick-off meeting 28th – 30th of March 2022, Saint-Guadens, France
The Kick-off meeting within the MILMET project took place during 28th – 30th of March 2022, gathering partners from France, Romania, Greece, Italy, and Spain, in Saint-Gaudens, France for the official opening of a new partnership. There were approached management aspects, but also the two results of the project: R1 – Handbook and R2 – Toolkit. Future steps and deadlines were established, under the coordination of the French partner.
The partners had the opportunity to visit Jardin de Cocagne – Jardins de Volvestre, to find out more about PMAAD Project (Parcours de découverte des métiers de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation durables), and Zero Unemployment Territory Project. Moreover, the participants met Afidel learners that gather and package the organic vegetables to make baskets for subscribers. A cooking workshop was also facilitated by the hosts, within which two Afidel refugee language students participated, followed by lunch with the dishes that were cooked by the participants.

Second Transnational Project Meeting 27th – 29th of June 2022, Patras, Greece
The second Transnational Project Meeting took place between the 27th and the 29th of June 2022 in Patras, Greece, being hosted by our colleagues from DAFNI KEK. The following steps have been discussed:
• The development and the progress of results of the project, the Handbook and the Toolkit
• The identification of migrants’ and organisations’ working with migrants needs
• The possibility to increase the visibility of the project and the awareness among the targeted organisations?
During the meeting, partners received a visit from the Kinisi organisation (Movement for the Defence of Refugee and Migrant Rights) and participated in a Language Workshop conducted by DAFNI KEK.

Third Transnational Project Meeting 18th – 20th of October 2022, Suceava, Romania
The third Transnational Project Meeting took place between the 18th and the 20th of October 2022 in Suceava, Romania, being hosted by our colleagues from Suceava.
The development and the progress of results of the project, the Handbook and the Toolkit have been discussed.
Aspects regarding the communication within the project and the dissemination strategies have been approached and the workplan for the next month’s established. Partners had the opportunity for Study Visits in the Social Emergency Center and the Afterschool for Refugees’ children; a best practice on furniture reconditioning – Mobilier Meșteșugit; DGASPC Botoșani – Transit; Assistance and Counseling Center & Complex for Children and Adults with Disabilities “Sfântul Spiridon” Botoșani.

Fourth Transnational Project Meeting 9th – 11th of May 2023, Trieste, Italy
The fourth Transnational Project Meeting took place between the 9th and the 11th of May 2023 in Trieste, Italy, being hosted by our colleagues from Duemilauno Agenzia Sociale.
Partners discussed the development and the progress of results of the project, the Handbook and the Toolkit, approached aspects regarding the communication within the project and the dissemination strategies. They established the work plan for the next months.
Duemilauno Agenzia sociale organized a practical language learning Workshop on textile recycling with the local stakeholder Lister (Social Tailoring Cooperative). A Study visits to the WHO Collaboration Centre inside the ex-Mental Health Hospital of Trieste, Cultural visits and sharing moments of informal meeting allowed to spend quality time together and to, strengthen the partnership.